Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Kiss

OMG! Bryce had tried to "KISS" me today! I can't believe it. I have been waiting for this moment for two years. Then, all of a sudden, now? I don't get it. At that moment I was so confused yet excited. I mean, I don't understand, I was in "love" with him two years  back but now its the opposite. Bryce was trying to kiss me in front of literally,the world.When he was trying to kiss me, I panicked because I just didn't know what to do at that moment so I just ran away. Anyway, when I got home, I jumped on my bed and thought to myself and realized that I liked him for the wrong reasons. He was just a coward and a sneak. I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I just felt like resting. I was embarassed of what Bryce tried to do in front of the whole school. i do not like bryce anymore. I don't want to talk to him again!

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